Just one question I don’t want to be asked.

First off: I don’t like questions. I don’t like the feeling of being probed.

As I have mentioned before, conversation and verbal and nonverbal cues are difficult.

I know that people who don’t know me well are surprised when I patiently explain. I need things in writing.

I need time to process information. I may not have an immediate answer. I am not sure if I understood the question, or if you were actually giving information I should have because I will not ask you a question.

You did ask me a question right?

What kind of question is it? A yes or no question, or an open-ended question.

If you responded with open-ended.. HA! you are going to regret this..

The best question is a written question that requires a written answer.

By now the conversation is going places you never imagined. It’s ok though, I don’t know what is going to funnel downhill from my brain to my mouth either.

The worst question to ask me is when or at what specific time will I have ABCD projects done.

How long do I think I will be driving today. The best answer is “I don’t know”

Do me a favor please, tell me the deadline of the project. Tell me when I need to submit reports to be reviewed before the final revision.

I like specific, concrete expectations. I will either laugh or negotiate if I don’t think the timeline will work.

Have a conversation, don’t ask me a question.

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